
Akud deg Los Reyes, Jocotitlán, State of Mexico, Miksik tura

Arim, Mayu 6, 2024, n yimalas 19
Iṭṭij ↑ 06:06 ↓ 19:05 (13r 0m) - Ugar n yisallen - Make Los Reyes time default - Rnu i tezgiwin ifazzen

Time zone info for Los Reyes

UTC -6
Central Standard Time (CST)
tura 2 n yisragen behind New York

Time difference
from Los Reyes

Los Angeles
1 n yisragen
1 n yisragen
Chicago+1 n yisragen
New York+2 n yisragen
Toronto+2 n yisragen
São Paulo+3 n yisragen
UTC+6 n yisragen
Lagos+7 n yisragen
London+7 n yisragen
Johannesburg+8 n yisragen
Paris+8 n yisragen
Zurich+8 n yisragen
Cairo+9 n yisragen
Istanbul+9 n yisragen
Moscow+9 n yisragen
Dubai+10 n yisragen
Mumbai+11.5 n yisragen
Hong Kong+14 n yisragen
Shanghai+14 n yisragen
Singapore+14 n yisragen
Tokyo+15 n yisragen
Sydney+16 n yisragen
Serwes iẓdiyen ikudanen nniḍen

Alluy, aɣelluy n yiṭṭij, tanzagt n wass d wakud afukan i Los Reyes

Los Reyes on the map